Having chicken pox

My first memory was being very aware that I was sick and had chicken pox. I was 9 months old. I was on vacation with my family in upstate New York (Lake George, I believe), and we were staying in a cabin with another family.

I remember my crib being at the bottom of the stairs, but my mom said that was not true. I remember waking up in my crib, right as the sun was coming up. The cabin was still dark, and I was very sick and covered with chicken pox. I could see them on my arms.

I remember wanting my mom and dad to wake up, desperately. I don't remember if I cried, I imagine I did. But I do remember looking outside the window and seeing a squirel or chipmunk in a tree branch.

There are no photos from this trip, so I know my memory is not confused with photographs. I also remember this very vividly, including the emotions. I ended up with severe chicken pox and was hospitalized with them for about a week.

Posted By: C. M.


Five memories before one


Memories from crawling